A classic online community is set up to provide a cost-effective stream of insights

The puzzle

To help its strategic and tactical decision-making, the LTA wanted a community that would act as the voice of British tennis.

  • It wanted on-tap access to its key audiences, including coaches, fans and tennis players of all ages and abilities.
  • It needed all this cost-effectively.

The pieces

To do this, we developed an online community using our own research platform; Whycatcher?™

  • The community has been running since 2016.
  • Over 2,000 members get involved in topics including branding, comms and product testing.
  • Tools include user diaries, quick polls, quick surveys, bulletin boards, commenting tasks and live chats.

The picture

  • The insights generated help strategic decision-making throughout the LTA and have board-level visibility.
  • The LTA has a direct conduit into the needs and views of the tennis community – putting it in direct contact with the lifeblood of British tennis.

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